Category Archives: Community
How Are You Going To Honor A Veteran Today?

Thank a veteran for their dedication with one of these activities. When most people think of the holiday season, they think of Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, there is another important holiday that takes place during the fall – Veterans Day. Veterans Day takes place on Wednesday, November 11th this year, and there are plenty of
Columbus Day: October 12!

Celebrate this Columbus Day in Hemet, CA, by learning about the origin! Columbus Day is a U.S. holiday that commemorates the landing of Christopher Columbus in the New World on October 12, 1492. This day did not become a federal holiday until 1937, but was widely recognized during the 18th century. Many of Americans honor
Quick And Easy Recipe For Labor Day
Celebrate the 4th of July With These Local Events!

4th of July Celebrations The Fourth of July holiday weekend is just a couple of days away, which means it is time to start preparing for your celebration! After finding the perfect red, white, and blue outfit to help celebrate Independence Day, make sure to check out these community events! The holiday weekend gets started
Are You Ready for the Summer Solstice?
2015 Summer Solstice Even though the unofficial start of summer was a couple weeks ago on Memorial Day weekend, the summer season does not officially start until June 21st, or the summer solstice 2015. On that day, the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, leading to the longest day of the year. Depending on where