Tag Archives: personal umbrella policy
Don’t Let A Lawsuit Rain On Your Parade…Get Umbrella Insurance!
Most people don’t understand why someone would pay extra to have an umbrella insurance policy. Well, an umbrella policy could help you in more ways than you think! You don’t need to make over 6 figures a year to justify purchasing a policy. Imagine that you are involved in a fatal car crash, and your
Times When a Personal Umbrella Policy Would Come in Handy
You buy insurance so that in the event of accidental damage or disaster, you know that you’re in the right hands. But do you know if your policy is adequate? If you do not prepare, you may discover too late that you really need the extra coverage. In that case, a personal umbrella policy is
How Does a Personal Umbrella Policy Work?
A personal umbrella insurance policy, which is also called an excess liability policy, is a policy that is invoked in the event that your coverage on one of your other insurance policies is exceeded or in the event that something occurs that is not covered by your existing insurance policy. This could include claims of