Tag Archives: accident
Memorial Day kicks off the most dangerous season of the year on the road
By Jayleen R. Heft Long daylight hours and better driving conditions may lull drivers into a false sense of safety during summer months, according to a new survey conducted by Michelin for National Tire Safety Week (May 28‒June 3). Two in three (67 percent) drivers report feeling safer driving during the summertime, citing better road
4 Ways to Reduce Workers’ Comp Claims
How to reduce costs with targeted risk control By Randy Crawford Here are four tips on how to use targeted risk control to reduce your Workers’ Compensation claims costs. In today’s litigious environment, claims against industrial companies are inevitable, and off-the-shelf solutions to manage liability risks are too often inadequate. In the high-risk manufacturing sector,
3 ways to cut the cost of your Workers’ Comp insurance
Are you being charged for claims that belong to someone else? You can control the cost of your organization’s Workers’ Compensation insurance by knowing a few insider tips used by Workers’ Comp cost control specialists. What follows are methods proven to reduce the cost of this vital insurance to the absolute minimum. Your experience modification
What Does Your Auto Insurance Cover?

Typical auto insurance policies will provide coverage for the following damages. Auto insurance is one of the most common insurance policies out there, but that does not mean that everyone fully understands what it covers. Keep this simple guide in mind to help you figure out exactly what your policy covers. Bodily injury liability –