Tag Archives: employees

12 keys to rein in bodily injury severities

Focusing on the facts can keep a claim out of the courtroom and the expenses in check. (Photo: iStock) It is no secret that bodily injury severities continue to rise significantly faster than the rate of inflation. Compounding the problem is that frequency is rising as well. Prior to 2015, the industry had taken note

Keeping Your Company Safe From Cyber Theft

Cyber Theft Prevention The best way to defend your small business against cyber criminals is taking the right preventative measures. Small businesses tend to be much more vulnerable to cyber attacks since they lack the funds needed to install the right safety features. To ensure that your business stays safe, keep these cyber theft prevention

Protect Your Employees with Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Business owners know it is their responsibility to protect all of their employees by having workers compensation insurance coverage. It is important to have a workers compensation plan to protect both you and your employees from any accidents, illnesses and injuries. An on-the-job injury or illness not only affects the employee involved, it can halt

Are Your Employees Protected?

If you have any number of employees, it is important to make sure that you have the right workers compensation insurance policy to protect them from any injury that happens on the job. If you also have independent contractors working for you, is it easy to get confused when it comes time to properly classify