Tag Archives: cyber attacks

5 essentials of a Cyber liability insurance policy

The Ponemon Institute found that data breaches cost companies an average of $3.79 million in damages per incident. (Photo: iStock) Data breaches pose one of the most pressing and potentially devastating risks to businesses across the globe. The significant financial and reputational damage resulting from a hack can impact the entire business on an unprecedented

Threats in Your Business

Risk assessment is fundamental to developing a realistic, reliable business continuity plan in Hemet, CA. Companies that proactively consider which events are going to be a higher risk to them will, in turn, become aware and put in place prevention practices. This is particularly important to develop in smaller business which can potentially grow in

Keeping Your Company Safe From Cyber Theft

Cyber Theft Prevention The best way to defend your small business against cyber criminals is taking the right preventative measures. Small businesses tend to be much more vulnerable to cyber attacks since they lack the funds needed to install the right safety features. To ensure that your business stays safe, keep these cyber theft prevention