Do you Understand your Coverage?
For most homeowners, simply having homeowners insurance is all they think about when they sign up for coverage. Many think that with a homeowners policy, everything is covered and you don’t have to worry about it, except to pay the bill. However, having homeowners insurance and understanding whether or not you have proper coverage are two different things.
If you’re not sure if you’re covered during a flood, a forest fire, from tree or hail damage or exactly what your policy does cover, sitting down with a professional like Agape Brokers Insurance Agency in the Hemet, CA area and reviewing your policy may save you financially. Having them explain to you exactly what is covered is essential. Most basic homeowners policies don’t cover those disasters and require some type of additional rider policy to protect you.
Also, if you’ve renovated or remodeled your home, added a swimming pool or made other changes such as a car port or garage, your current policy may not provide you with enough coverage if something does happen. A few minutes of your time spent with an insurance professional can give you the assurance that you do, indeed have the proper coverage you need.
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