Hemet Community Pantry


The History of the Community Pantry

The Community Pantry was established in 1965 by Reverend Roy Shipling of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd. As its mission grew and the needs of the local community increased, the Pantry became an agency of the ministerial association of Hemet and San Jacinto. In 1991, the Community Pantry received its certification as a non-profit 501(c)3, providing tax deductions to our supporters.

Our Services

Our primary mission is to provide emergency food and shelter to local residents in need. We assist families in low-income brackets as well as those on fixed-incomes and those who are unemployed or underemployed. Each year, we provide services to thousands of families in the valley and surrounding areas.

Community Support

Throughout the year, the Community Pantry works with companies, agencies and churches to sponsor events to collect staple food and raise funds that are vital to our operation. If your company or organization would like to schedule a food drive or fund raising event, please give us a call.

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521 N San Jacinto Street, Hemet
(San Jacinto Street & Oakland Avenue)
P.O. Box 763, Hemet CA 92546-0763
(951) 929-1101





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